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  • Rewriting Pushpin's connection manager in Rust

    For over 7 years, Pushpin used Mongrel2 for managing HTTP and WebSocket client connections. Mongrel2 served us well during that time, requiring little maintenance. However, we are now in the process of replacing it with a new project, Condure. In this article we’ll discuss how and why Condure was developed.

  • Mongrel2 HTTP server now in Debian/Ubuntu

    Mongrel2 is a fast and simple HTTP & WebSocket server that communicates to backend workers via ZeroMQ. It does one thing and does it very well, making it an ideal part of a componentized architecture. The code is event-driven, allowing it to support thousands of concurrent connections and also asynchronous behaviors. These properties are especially important to realtime applications.

    Fanout has been one of the most active contributors to the Mongrel2 project over the past year, adding features such as TLS SNI and improved streaming capability. We’ve also been working on making the server easier for people to get started with. And with that, we are proud to announce official packages for Debian and Ubuntu!


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